Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to be a Mentor –Online cash – Learn to Earn

How to be a Mentor –Online cash – Learn to Earn

Learn to earn Online Income with how to be a mentor we have an up date on the sales and progress with selling and listing items on ebay for a profit we have sold  2  more items so this week  we have sold  4 items all for a  profit  even after we paid our ebay fees and paypal  fees.  

Item C and was listed on ebay for 55.00 dollars the cost of the item was 28.00 dollars it was on sale and I found out it would be on sale until the end of the year . How did I found out it was on sale because I called my local store spoke with the manger and he said that the price its at right now will be that price until 12-28-15. Online Income has just gotten a little better with finding this out. So now its going down for real I am about to list this item about 10 different times every where on Ebay to earn a little more income from it while I can. I couldn’t find out how many they had in inventory but I am going to go for it. Learning to Earn is awesome. 

Item D Sold for 34.65 had a with a cost of 22.00 dollars had a nice little profit but the main reason I am selling this item is to get good reviews on ebay so the stuff I am selling will get ranked higher and be found by more people which will mean more sales in the long run so if  I have to give up a little profit now to make it back at a later date that’s fine with me at how to be a mentor . 

SO now I am going to go back and list 20 more items to increase my total items on ebay to 30 items right now new week new sales, new ways to earn an online income with ds domination.

We can and will do this period. 

Niche site had a huge day yesterday 4.04 in ad sense baby its growing daily.

More step to come on learning to earn an online income with how to be a mentor. 

Also going to post some stuff about being a mentor to someone. 




Thursday, October 1, 2015

How to be a Mentor with Online Income Learn to Earn With DS Domination

How to be a Mentor with Online Income DSD

Day 3

So I have sold 2 items that I listed  on eBay  Item A Had a total profit  of  15.45   and item  had a  profit of  13.87  not  bad  for just  getting started and  only  listing 10 items.  Online Cash Money Income

With item A  I looked up some key words and found a couple with this research  I let the  keywords pick the item and  not  me pick the item and then try to find the  right keyword  I find this to be the easiest way to get my online income moving in the  right direction.

 I also put  myself  in the  customer’s shoes  so If I was looking for this  item what  would  I type  in  what  words would  I use to find this item the fastest and easiest way cause  let’s  be  honest  no one wants to sit and look and  look and look for something we know we want to buy probably 99% of us who come online to purchase something and know we need it and want are ready to purchase that moment so it’s always good to have the item right in front of a person who has their credit card out and is ready to purchase.  

Item B was almost the same thing  but  I looked around at the other prices from the same item and figured I would price mine a little more and see if I could out keyword the  people to make a little bit more profit on the item and I did. My item was 15.00 dollars more than 3 others that were listed and it still sold because I made the connection between buyer and the item. 

Ok so let’s talk about the  online income profit we just  made  I say we cause  me and  my  wife are  doing this  she  is a  stay  at  home mom right  now  I work at a marketing  firm with some awesome people .  So the online income total 29.32 total for 2 items  sold  after I had to pay an eBay  fee and a little fee from PayPal but in the  last blog post  we covered a little bit on how to beat the fees and make more . {I will go back into that in a later post with totals and all that} 

So to make this Income from Online All I had to do was list and item wait for someone to purchase it then have it DROP shipped to their home. 

Didn’t have to have inventory/Stock the item at my house.

Didn’t go looking for deals all around town.

What a great business model and way to earn an online income.

More to come tomorrow Explain drop shipping and a couple other things  

SO right now my online income is at $29.32 so now I am going back to list 2 more items and to check the keywords description’s on the  items I have listed on EBay.    

If you want to Join and Learn to Earn and Online Income Click Link  Thanks 

How to be A mentor With Online Cash Money Income

Check out my Niche site RIGHT HERE 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Online Cash Money Mentor Step 2 to 1k In Real Online Income

How to be a mentor

Ok so step one I have post 10 items to my ebay account with ds domination we are going to do a test and see how fast these sell what the items are and what the total profit was for each item. 

Online income Mentor will describe what I did and how I posted it I will be using item A item B etc to explain my online income because I don’t want people to find my niche or items and just totally copy my listings and items because I know people will do that.

OK so I have posted 10 items all in different niches and all in different price ranges from 50-350 dollars . 

My online income test will be very detailed one thing I am going to do is sign up for an Amazon affiliate account so If I need to purchase something from Amazon I will get up to 5% back on all purchases you say why would I buy from Amazon to sell on Ebay trust me I am not the only one who has had this idea to produce an online income from using both these sites.

Next I will set up an Ebates account this is a great way to keep more of that hard earned online income. SO what ebates will do if you purchase a item you sold on Ebay via Ebates website Ebates has nothing to do with shipping or with your product you don’t have to enter your credit card or anything all they do is give you cash back for purchases VIA their website.  

This is a couple websites I will be using to increase my online income and lower my cost on each item I sell on ebay we will go over more of this stuff in tomorrows post.

How to be a mentor is showing you a step by step process of  earning an online income daily with will have more and more insights on that web page please forgive for the looks I am building and working on that site all my self and am learning to do that as we speak so please believe me when I tell you I am going through all this with you .  

Thank you and have blessed day

PS Check out this Niche Site I Just Made ----> CLICK HERE  


Monday, September 28, 2015

Learn to Earn with Ebay and Online Cash Money Mentor DS Domination

How to be a Real Mentor 

What’s up folk I am here to tell you about being a mentor and earning a online income today we are talking about DS domination and all the good stuff this company has done for people and helping them earn an online income. 

This company is a stand up company and has helped more people earn an online income then any other company I have seen the ONE BIG DIFFERENCE is that it’s showing people how to sell goods people are already looking for no having to sign people to get a commission.

No having to recruit everyone in your family.

No having to stand at your local Wal-Mart and ask people if they want to join your online team to earn and online income.

NO having to have a house party with all your friends just to tell them about this new and great offer you know we have all done it , Hey guys come over for dinner then after dinner the lights get dim and all of a sudden a slide show starts about a great online income business LOL .

No having to depend on selling people some lifestyle crap I have seen so many companies or people who work for these companies online that do not really sell anything but a dream. 


How to be a mentor is going to show and post  all the  result  from DS Domination on this blog  Right now I am in the training  I am starting slow  and going to work my way up with from the training  I can already tell this is very detailed and very step by  step to earn an online income.  I will be working with EBay and Amazon first, I am really thinking about Amazon first just because eBay and the fees. 

I don’t really know about the fees for Amazon but I am pretty sure they aren’t as high as eBay. 

How to be a Mentor

Lets do this people and Learn to Earn an Online Income Today Sell goods not Dreams thanks 

If you want to Sign up for updates on the blog and progress with DSD enter your email address and let’s chat feel free to ask any questions or send me and email anytime thanks BQ

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Join a Mentor Bring Freedom town near YOU .

Join a mentor
What We are Doing at JOIN A MENTOR
What we are doing at JOIN A MENTOR we are showing people how to make money online ,yes we are doing that daily. Showing people there is more out there then just the same old rat race the same daily work daily pay. Does anyone think that's it really good to spend 8-9 hours in a cubicle . People aren't meant to be stuck inside all day crunching numbers or filing paper work, that will and would drive anyone crazy. Online income with Join a Mentor will set you free and your mind free from all that can you imagine that close your eyes and picture that right now amazing right. Join a Mentor will give you the tool to learn how to have more time to spend with your family or loved ones or go on that extra vacation. I personally am putting my kids in a private school with the income from online I am making . The income will make possible things you thought were impossible. It's whatever you like or are passionate about. Passion comes from with-in and at my old job I had none period , I could even tell my boss was getting stressed and over dealing with customers. Passion can not be taught I can't sell you passion it has to come from within yourself , example I am so passionate about making a online income from home that I will not fail. My passion comes from wanting to be with my kids and see them grow up right in front of me daily it like a fire will a small amount of wood you get a little bit of heat with a small amount of passion you will get small results. My family deserves better period.
All I am going to do here is present the facts about what I am doing and what we are doing at Join a Mentor. We are going to show you there is a different way out there to make a full time or part time income with out killing yourself . A way to have money work for you instead of you working for money. Online income or any passive income = Financial freedom less headaches and less stress about money. We all deserve that in our life. It's something we all really want we just always think we can't or won't have means to obtain it or enough time to make things happen. Your time is now your place to start is with Join a Mentor.{ If not Now then when }. Time flys
Join a Mentor If not you then who

Connect with me today. Ebay Cash
Join A Mentor

Brian Quellette